The Somerset Church of Christ began over a century ago, in 1910, when a group of Christians were determined to meet and reach the community of Somerset. They did not have a building yet, so they worshiped in the lobby of the Somerset Courthouse. It did not take long until they began to grow and needed a building of their own. In 1916 a new building was erected and this is where the Christians still meet today.
The Church of Christ in Somerset is a unique group of Christians. There are currently about 85 members, but in recent years the younger generation has been growing steadily. About half of those attending are age 40 and younger, giving the church a great generational blend of older and younger members. We are an active church that focuses on community and building relationships.
Part of building relationships happens in our small groups that meet in peoples’ homes. Throughout any given week, there are a variety of small group Bible studies or prayer groups that meet in homes. It is our prayer that God will continue to allow old relationships to mature and new ones to form as we all strive to become more like Christ.
People who visit us frequently comment on how friendly an atmosphere we have and how they felt at home. We call this family. Every family has its ups and downs, but we strive to treat everyone as part of our family. Families spend time together, grow together, cry together, and celebrate together. We try very hard not to let anyone get “lost in the crowd.” In spite of our imperfections, we strive to help each and every person develop a meaningful and lasting relationship with God and with each other.