Warm Welcomes!

We have always been known as a friendly congregation! We will arrange to have a greeter meet you at the door when you plan your visit. We never want guests to feel lost in the crowd or to guess where to sit. From the time you walk in the door until you leave someone will be with you to show you around and answer any questions you have!
Interactive Lessons

We enjoy interactive lessons and sermons that connect you to the word of God. The Bible is the living word of God and is God-breathed! We are a Bible believing church and want your first love to be God. We always welcome suggestions for issues that can be talked about and integrated into the Bible classes and worship service.
Treated Like Family

We do a lot of fun activities together and everyone is treated like family here. From ball games to pig roasts and everything in between, nobody is left out. We need fun times to bond together so that we can also work together to help people in need. Whether you are brand new or have been part of the congregation for years, you will be included in activities that we plan.