
Sara Maust Memorial Service

We apologize that the livestream failed. Here is the replay video of Sara’s service.

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**If the live stream drops out during service, we cannot restart a live stream once it is disrupted. If this happens, we will create a new stream that will resume our live service and will be found at our YouTube channel here**

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In the Beginning

There are only two birth narratives of Jesus in the Bible–Matthew and Luke. Mark and John omit the birth narrative. However, John’s gospel is unique because instead of beginning with Jesus’ physical birth he instead dates Jesus back to the beginning of time. He begins his gospel this way, “In the beginning was the Word, …

Peace on Earth

The Israelites anticipated and waited for peace. God promised them abundance and peace if they were faithful to Him but, behold, they blew it over and over again. In acts of defiance they followed the Baals, living in complete rebellion and oppressing their neighbors. Isaiah prophesied about the person who would return to God and …